College students are notorious for playing practical jokes. Several years ago, the statue of the founder of a certain university disappeared from its place of honor in the center of the campus. Naturally, the school authorities were quite upset and began a search for the missing statue. Finally, it was found standing in a rowboat which had been left floating in the middle of one of the campus lakes. The statue was holding a fishing pole, and during the night a fish had taken the bait and been caught. The school authorities were furious, but some people say that the statue seemed to be smiling. (1)創立者は生前釣りを楽しんでおり、このいたずらのおかげで彼はもう一度大好きな楽しみを満喫することができたのである。
College life, however, is not all fun. It has its serious side, as well. The ordinary college student spends from fifteen to twenty hours a week in class. In addition to regular classes, the student is expected to participate in the various extracurricular activities offered by the school. Such activities include the newspaper, debating, and drama. Many great journalists actually began their career on their college newspaper and some people who are known today as famous actors made their debut in a college dramatic production. (2)いくつかの点で、このような課外活動は、若者の精神を鍛錬するのに正規の授業とまったく同じように重要である。
Naturally, a college must be first and foremost a place of learning. Students are supposed to give first place to their studies, but (3)レクリエーションが学生の健康や幸福の維持に重要な役割を果たすこともまた知られている。 The school gymnasium is one of the most useful recreational centers on the campus. There, students can relax from the strain of study by engaging in basketball, handball, and many other sports. After an hour's workout in the gym, they can return to their books refreshed and eager to study.
助動詞のused toを使います。
・「 このいたずらのおかげで」は"thanks to ~"で表現できます。
「え!?いたずらって英語で何?」と焦る必要はありません。本文にあるpractical jokeです。
「できた」だからcanの過去形could!と思って could enjoyにしてしまいそうですがダメです。この記事で説明した通り、
was/were able to動詞の原形は「~する能力があり、実際にした」という意味。
なので、was able to enjoyとするか、ただ単に過去形のenjoyed「楽しみました」にしましょう。
・O=「大好きな楽しみ」his favorite hobbyでOK
The founder used to like fishing when he was alive and thanks to this practical joke, he enjoyed his favorite hobby once again.
The founder was fond of fishing, and thanks to this practical joke, he was able to enjoy his favorite hobby again.
・「いくつかの点で」はin some respectsという表現を使います。
例:in this respect「この点に関して」
「え!?課外活動って英語で何?」と焦る必要はありません。本文にあるextracurricular activities です。
・V=be動詞 "are"
・C=「同じくらい重要」原級"as ~ as A"を使います。
In some respects, these extracurricular activities are just as important as regular classes to train young people's mentality.
On many accounts, these extracurricular activities are just as important as ordinary classes in training young people's minds.
It is also known that recreation plays an important role in maintaining students' health and happiness.
It is also known that recreation plays an important role in keeping student healthy and happy.
私は「生徒の健康と幸せを維持する」としましたが模範解答は「生徒=健康で幸せに保 つ」としています。
私も模範解答も使った「~において重要な役割を果たす」"play an important role in ~”はとても使える表現なので、是非自分の引き出しにいれておきましょう。