















当時私も子どもを寝かしつけてから夜な夜な頑張って訳しました f:id:chachachambo:20180615162853j:plain


Irifuneyama Memorial Museum
(Former official residence of the commander-in-chief of the Kure Naval Station)

In 1886, the Japanese Navy bought the land where the Kameyama Shrine, the local Shinto deity, had originally been located, in order to establish a naval station there.
ということで、the Kameyama Shrine, the local Shinto deityとシンプルに訳すことにしました。

In 1890, a full two-story semi-Western building was built to serve as a military meeting and socializing area, which was soon converted into the residence of the commanders-in-chief of Kure Naval Station in 1892.
ということで、military meeting and socializing areaと訳すことにしました。

The building was destroyed by the Geiyo Earthquake in 1905,  but it was rebuilt into the presently existing one-story house, reusing the scrap materials in the same year.

Soon after the war ended, the building was occupied by the Allied Forces (first the US Army, then the BCOF) and was used as the official residence of the BCOF’s Commander of the Allied Forces.  The residence was drastically remodeled to suit the tastes of the newly assigned commanders-in-chief, including having all the walls painted white.

However, with the BCOF’s withdrawal in 1956, the land and the building were eventually returned to the city of Kure in 1966, followed by the opening of Irifuneyama Memorial Museum the next year. 
※「1956年の英連邦軍の撤退に伴い」という意味でwith the BCOF’s withdrawal in 1956と訳しましたが、withwithdrawal、withばっかりでなんか気持ち悪い…
※followed by ~で「~に追われる」→「その後~が起こる」という感じで、使えるとかっこいい表現なので使ってみました。
例:Today's weather is clear skied followed by clouds.

The museum took its name from that fact that the area used to be called “Irifuneyama” according to ancient documents.

Since the original blueprint was found during the demolition and repair work carried out from 1991-1995, the building restored its original state. During the repair work, it was discovered that Kinkara-kami (gold-embossed paper), very rare even in Japan, had been used on the walls and ceiling of the house and it was successfully restored. In 1998, this building was designated as a National Important Cultural Property.




Irifuneyama Memorial Museum
(Former official residence of the commander-in-chief of the Kure Naval Station)

In 1886, the Japanese Navy bought the land where the Kameyama Shrine, dedicated to the local Shinto deity, had originally been located, in order intending to establish a naval station there.
訂正① dedicated toを追加
訂正② in order tointending toに変える。確かに「海軍基地を建てるために買われた」というよりかは「海軍基地を建てる目的で買われた」という意味なのでintending toのほうがしっくりくる!

In 1890, a full two-story semi-Western building was built to serve as a military meeting and socializing area for the military; shortly after, in 1892, the building, which was soon converted into the residence of for the commanders-in-chief of Kure Naval Station in 1892.
訂正①「軍政会議所兼水交社」military meeting and socializing areameeting and socializing area for the militaryに変える。確かに後ろにfor the militaryを置いたほうが、meetingとsocializing の両方を修飾している感じがする。
訂正②soonin 1892を消して、; shortly after, in 1892にする。確かにsoonよりshortly after のほうがカチっとしていてかっこいい!しかも時を表すsoonと1892が離れているよりもshortyly after, in 1892はくっついていて時系列が分かりやすい!
訂正③the residence of the commanders-in-chief を the residence for the commanders-in-chief にする。またやってしまった、なんでもof f:id:chachachambo:20180615162853j:plain 日本人はなんでもかんでもofにしすぎですね…

The building was destroyed by the Geiyo Earthquake in 1905,  but that same year it was rebuilt into the presently existing one-story house that still stands today,reusing the scrap materials from the destroyed building in the same year.
訂正①that same yearを文の前文頭に移動する。確かにその方が直前の1905と近いから分かりやすい。
訂正②「現存する」のpresently existingを関係代名詞のthat still stands todayという節にしてhouseの後ろに置く。
訂正③reusingusingにして、from the destroyed buildingを付け加える。確かにreusingだけでは分かりにくかった。

Soon after the war ended, the building was occupied by the Allied Forces (first the US Army, then the BCOF) and was used as the official residence of the BCOF’s Commander of the Allied Forces.  The residence was drastically remodeled to suit the tastes of the newly assigned commanders-in-chief, including having all the walls painted white.

However, with the BCOF’s withdrawal withdrew in 1956, and the land and the building were eventually returned to the city of Kure in 1966,. followed by The following year, the opening of Irifuneyama Memorial Museum was opened the next year. 
訂正①with the BCOF's withdrawal をthe BFOF withdrew, and に変える
訂正②, followed byを消して、文をいったん区切ったあと、The following year,にする。こうすることで長ったらしい文がスッキリした。

The museum took its name from that fact that the area used to be called “Irifuneyama” according to ancient documents.

Since the original blueprint was found during the dDemolition and repair work was carried out from 1991-1995, during which the original blueprints were found, and the building was restored to its original state. During the repair work, it was discovered This included the discovery and restoration of that Kinkara-kami (gold-embossed paper), very rare even in Japan, had been used on the walls and ceiling of the house and it was successfully restored. In 1998, this building was designated as a National Important Cultural Property.
訂正①Since the original blueprint was found during the demolition and repair work,Demolition and repair work was carried out from 1991-1995, during which the original blueprints were foundに変える。確かに元の文だと、「図面が発見されたので解体修理が行われた」という意味になってしまう。そうではなく「解体修理をしていて、その間に図面が発見された」なのでエリックの文のほうが正解。
訂正②the building restored its original stateを受動態のthe building was restored to its original stateに変える。
訂正③During the repair work, it was discovered that kinkara-kami had been used「この修復工事の間に、金から紙が使われていたということが分かった」This included the discovery and restoration of kinkaragami「この修復工事は金から紙の発見と修復を含んでいた」に変える。日本人があまり使い慣れない無生物主語の文ですね。確かにかっこいい!



Irifuneyama Memorial Museum

(Former official residence of the commander-in-chief of the Kure Naval Station)

In 1886, the Japanese Navy bought the land where the Kameyama Shrine, dedicated to the local Shinto deity, had originally been located, intending to establish a naval station there. In 1890, a full two-story semi-Western building was built to serve as a meeting and socializing area for the military; shortly after, in 1892, the building was converted into a residence for the commanders-in-chief of the Kure Naval Station. The building was destroyed by the Geiyo Earthquake in 1905, but that same year it was rebuilt into the one-story house that still stands today, using the scrap materials from the destroyed building.

Soon after the war ended, the building was occupied by the Allied Forces (first the US Army, then the BCOF) and was used as the official residence of the BCOF’s Commander of the Allied Forces. The residence was drastically remodeled to suit the tastes of the newly assigned commanders-in-chief, including having all the walls painted white. However, the BCOF withdrew in 1956, and the land and the building were eventually returned to the city of Kure in 1966. The following year, the Irifuneyama Memorial Museum was opened. The museum took its name from that fact that the area used to be called “Irifuneyama” according to ancient documents.

Demolition and repair work was carried out from 1991–1995, during which the original blueprints were found and the building was restored to its original state. This included the discovery and restoration of kinkara-kami (gold-embossed paper), very rare even in Japan, used on the walls and ceiling. In 1998, the building was designated as a National Important Cultural Property.

