











Dear Professor Roberts,

Good afternoon. I'm Makoto Yoshida from your math class.
I am very sorry that I couldn't make it to the math test on Monday because I got into an accident on my way to school by bike on that day.
I knew how important the test was but I had to go to hospital.
I'm writing this email to ask you if you could possibly let me take a make-up test.
Thank you.
Makoto Yoshida



Dear Professor Roberts,

Good afternoon. My name is Yoshida Makoto. 
I'm in your math class. I was not able to take the math test given at 1 p.m. on Monday.
This morning, I was riding my bicycle and got into an accident.
I had to go to the hospital and that is why I missed your test.
Will you please schedule a make-up test for me?
 Thank you.

Yoshida Makoto.



・私は申し訳ないという気持ちを表すために、" I am very sorry that"と置いて、試験を受けられなかった旨を説明しました。
・I couldn't make it to the math testの"make it"はとてもよく使う表現で「間に合う、たどり着く」というような意味です。

・I knew how important the test was but I had to go to hospital.

・模範解答の"the math test given at 1 p.m. on Monday"は、given以下の過去分詞のかたまりが目の前のthe math testを説明しています。 (参照



・模範解答にもありますが、何かを依頼する際のメールや手紙の最後には「よろしくお願いします」というニュアンスのthank youを書き添えるのが普通です。